

All manuscripts should be submitted to the Managing Editor via email at,The editorial office will acknowledge the receipt of your submission within 1 week.


All submissions must have a title page including the following information in this order:


All submissions must have a title page including the following information in this order:

  • Title of article
  • Author(s) Full name
  • Surname (e.g., Dr / Prof/ Assoc./Professor/ Mr/Miss/Ms)
  • Affiliation (Single affiliation)
  • Postal Address
  • Email address and Telephone (of the corresponding author only)
  • Keywords (at least 5 keywords)
  • Abstract (250 words maximum).
  • Acknowledgment (acknowledge any financial support received/ or substantial research contribution).


An original paper should be composed according to the following sections in the particular order:

  • Introduction
  • Literature Review / Theoretical Background and Hypotheses Development
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Implications
  • Conclusion
  • Reference
  • Appendix (if any)


Authors should use Times New Roman, 12 pts, throughout the manuscript. All text should be single-spaced.

Heading 1

For heading 1, use 12pts, Times New Roman, in bold. Insert one blank line (12 pts) before and after heading 1.

Heading 2

For heading 2, use 12pts, Times New Roman, in Bold Italic. Insert one blank line (6 pts) before and after heading 2.

Heading 3 (and others)

For heading 3, use 12pts, Times New Roman, in Italic. Insert one blank line (6 pts) before and after heading 3.



Figures may include photographs, illustrations, multi-color graphs, and flowcharts. All figures must be inserted in the appropriate position in the manuscript. Authors should number figures consecutively based on their appearance in the main text. Figure caption and description should be inserted below the figure body. Figures should be high resolution (200 dpi, minimum). For Figure caption, use 10pts, Times New Roman, center align.


Table(s) should be self-explanatory and clearly organized. Table(s) must be inserted in the correct position in the manuscript, must include a clear title, and be numbered in Arabic numerals. For table text, use 11pts, Times New Roman. For table title, use 10pts, Times New Roman, left align. Table(s) should be formatted per the APA Style.


EJM recommends APA (American Psychological Association) sixth reference format. The author-date (name, date) method of in-text citation. For example, (Saks, 2006), a full reference should appear in the reference list at the end. For the reference list, use 12pts, Times New Roman, justified. For a detailed guide on APA format, Click Here.


EJM provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public for a greater global exchange of knowledge.


EJM provides open access to works we publish using the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license. Under this license, we require publishing rights from authors to publish and disseminate their research articles, while authors retain ownership of the copyright in their works. This allows anyone to download, print, distribute, reuse, modify and copy the content without requesting extra permission from the authors or the publishers only if appropriate credits are given to the original authors and source.


This journal uses a double-blind review process, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. To clarify, EJM does not charge any processing or publication fee.